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by Sarah Brewer


‘I’m a doctor, not a bloody superhero,’ insists Saxon de Carey, expedition medic and fellow of All Saints College, Cambridge. 

But as Earth faces destruction by an imminent solar flare, Saxon confronts a world changed forever since he discovered the tomb of Tehuti, last of the Ancient Egyptian Gods. What powers have the tomb’s mysterious relics unleashed? Where are his missing students? Is the ancient prophecy coming true? Is he the fabled stepu destined to save Earth from destruction?

As his career implodes, Saxon must face the ShemsuHor priests whose ancestors once served the ancient deities. While some want to help save civilisation, others yearn for zep tepi, the mythical first time, and plan to inherit an Earth cleansed of humans, ready for the second coming of their gods.

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ISBN (Paperback): 9781917163842
ISBN (Ebook): 9781917163842

Published: 3rd June 2024
Price: £10.99 (Paperback) £4.99 (Ebook) Extent: 466 pages
Format: 198x129mm 
Markets: World

Translation: Yes


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Dr Sarah Brewer qualified from Cambridge University with degrees in Natural Sciences, Medicine and Surgery. As a GP, she recognised most illnesses have a basis in poor diet and went on to gain a master’s degree in nutritional medicine from the University of Surrey, before starting a career in freelance health journalism. She is the award-winning writer of over 70 popular self-help books, has had columns in the Daily Mirror, Daily Telegraph, The Lady, Woman’s Own, Woman’s Weekly, Top Santé and Marie Claire, plus a long-standing health column in Prima magazine. This is her first novel.

Twitter: @DrSarahB

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